Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just There

You walk in through the open double doors with a tank top and some flimsy shorts covering up a bikini but you aren't anything special nothing new just one of hundreds of girls just like you that come in everyday to let me drool over them you make your order and you sit down right behind me giving me a great angle from my elevated stool your cross dangles in your cleavage that symbol of purity resting between your biggest weapons against men but symbols are only what we decide they are and suddenly it hits me that the cross actually looks more like an arrow pointing to where my face belongs but the important thing is timing my backward glances so you don't get to slap me for making them so the cross fades from my mind and I focus on being sly but sly won't get any part of me touching every part of you but I don't care I don't want you bad enough to make an effort I just wanna check you out for as long as you're here and forget you ever existed because if you keep existing I might be frustrated that I only looked and never touched but really you're just there and I'm just here looking at you there while you sit and play with your phone not knowing I exist not caring that I do but it works for me cause if you keep existing you become real and I don't need you to be real the fantasy is always better than the reality and in my mind you are perfect and will remain so just like the hundreds of other girls just like you that I don't care to know and just want to see they tell me to take a picture because it will last longer but I say keep walking in and sitting behind me so I can glance at you while you're just there because the real thing is always better than a picture even if the real thing doesn't care that I'm just there

Brian William Waddell is a foodie, beer geek, and author. His numerous blog posts range from food to politics. He also has a book of poetry, Fractured Prose, available here, and is ready to publish his second poetic endeavor.

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